Nested Forms - how to displayed the attributes content ?

I have a User model

class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :account   accepts_nested_attributes_for :account, :allow_destroy => true   validates_associated :account   attr_accessible :account_attributes

is working fine, validating and updating both records (User and Account), but I caanot display the value in the form when is updated, ex: below the firstname is not displayed but it's in the db account record #<User id: 1, email: "", .. #<Account id: 4, user_id: 1, title: 0, first_name: "Yves", ...

my view ...     <% form_for :user, :url => { :action => "update" } do |user_form| %>       <% user_form.fields_for :account_attributes do |account_fields| %>

        <li>         <label for="user_firstname">First Name</label>         <%= account_fields.text_field :first_name, :size => "30" %>       </li> .....

what am I missing ?

thanks for your help


Discover the issue : I had to write correctly my form_for

  <% form_for :user, @user, ...

and not <% form_for :user
