Rails 2 to 2.1


I am lonking for some text that explain this for me.

What should I modify to upgrade my 2.0 apps to 2.1? Is it recommended?

please help!

As I recall nothing. Everything is still working smooth.

by TheR

what about the new format of migrations files

what about the new format of migrations files

the only thing that changed there is that migration numbering has changed. But you shouldn;t have to do anything.


If you use will_paginate you will need to update to the newest version of the gem

hello folks!

how can I use the old style migrations?

Eduardo Resende wrote:

hello folks!

how can I use the old style migrations?

Yes - old school migrations still work.

oh great!

but, do you know how can I generate them with the old names?


001_ 002_…


This post will tell you how…

And what about the new generated files in the rails app structure?

What about them? They will have the “old” numbering scheme, 001, 002, etc…