Rails 2.0.2 Scaffold NOT creating new stuff

I am running 2.0.2 on a windows machine.

I created a new project.

Used the new generate scaffold to create a MVC for "Song". That worked.

However when I tried to create scaffold for the next file, "Content" I get NO views/models/controller ...

Here is the command I am using.

E:\RubyProjects\crmusic\rails script/generator scaffold Content songs_id:integer contentype:string filename:string size:integer content_type:integer

I run this and it creates all of the base structures but does NOT create the MVC for "Content".

I am sure that I am doing something silly, but do not see what it is.

Any help would be appreciated.


Rails 2.0 does not have the scaffold package, you should install it by hand.

See http://activescaffold.com/

Cheers, Pablo.-

Rails 2.0 does have the scaffold package. In fact, it now scaffolds REST compatible resources (previously known as scaffold_resource in Rail 1.2).

It seems your command is wrong. It's script/generate, not script/ generator. Also, since you're on windows, you have to specify 'ruby' before the command.

F:\code\test>ruby script/generate scaffold Content songs_id:integer contentype:string filename:string size:integer content_type:integer       exists app/models/       exists app/controllers/       exists app/helpers/       create app/views/contents       exists app/views/layouts/       exists test/functional/       exists test/unit/       create app/views/contents/index.html.erb       create app/views/contents/show.html.erb       create app/views/contents/new.html.erb       create app/views/contents/edit.html.erb       create app/views/layouts/contents.html.erb       create public/stylesheets/scaffold.css   dependency model       exists app/models/       exists test/unit/       exists test/fixtures/       create app/models/content.rb       create test/unit/content_test.rb       create test/fixtures/contents.yml       create db/migrate       create db/migrate/001_create_contents.rb       create app/controllers/contents_controller.rb       create test/functional/contents_controller_test.rb       create app/helpers/contents_helper.rb        route map.resources :contents


You are right, I missunderestood the question.


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i'm running into a similar problem now, having upgraded to rails 2.0.2. I ran the scaffold command, and i get the views, but it's not generating the controller. has anyone else seen this?

Thanks, John

johnrails wrote:

i'm running into a similar problem now, having upgraded to rails 2.0.2. I ran the scaffold command, and i get the views, but it's not generating the controller. has anyone else seen this?

Yes. This happened to me once, then I checked the output of the generator and saw that it had crapped out creating the model because I'd already done that. If you look at the list it should go something like this (from Zabel's post):

      create app/models/content.rb       create test/unit/content_test.rb       create test/fixtures/contents.yml       create db/migrate       create db/migrate/001_create_contents.rb       create app/controllers/contents_controller.rb

so if it bombs at the model, it won't create the controller.

Possibly your problem?

I'd have hoped the generator would have accepted that the model already existed and continued. The rails 1.2 scaffolder managed this if I remember rightly...


Why the new version of scaffold read the table from the database and add the filed to the model/*.html.erb?

So I have to add every single fileds/types in the command line??