Question1 Cucumber Rails

can we write multiple background in one feature file…?

can we write multiple feature in one feature file…?

can we write multiple background in one feature file....?


can we write multiple feature in one feature file.....?



can we write multiple background in one feature file…?


can we write multiple feature in one feature file…?




Q1 if i have 2 sceanario and 1 background . but i want only 1 scenario should used that backgound and 2nd scenario dont use that background.

and i want to run them same time. can it is possible ?

Q2 What is the diff between Capybara and Webrat? Which one is by default configure with cucumber ? If both are providing same functionality than which one i use?

Q3 How to test view in cucumber ? I want to test CSS and body of page(DOM objects) are working perfectly or not ?How to Write in Scenario to test View?

Q4 What is this Silenium Framework ? Can i use this for Rails application ? This framework is better than Cucumber for High level testing ?

can we write multiple background in one feature file…? can we write multiple feature in one feature file…?

can we write multiple background in one feature file…?


can we write multiple feature in one feature file…?


when i try to write two features on 1 feature file i get this error

Parse error at :15. Found feature when expecting one of: comment, doc_string, row, scenario, scenario_outline, step, tag. (Current state: step). (Gherkin::Parser::ParseError)

my feature file code below

Feature: Real life Scenario: checking 1

       Given I click google link

Feature: life
Scenario: checking 2

       Given I click google link

i think 2 feature in 1 feature file is not allowed

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