[Question] Why doesn't set_pk_sequence! support the parameter for is_called?

Thanks RoR developers!

I have a question for ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::SchemaStatements#set_pk_sequence! I think set_pk_sequence! should support a parameter for is_called. I mention about third parameter of postgresql setval function.

SELECT setval(‘myseq’, 42, false); Next nextval will return 42

I think it is better that like below.

def set_pk_sequence!(table, value, is_called = true)
  # ...
  query_value("SELECT setval(#{quote(quoted_sequence)}, #{value}, #{is_called})", "SCHEMA")

Why doesn’t set_pk_sequence! support the parameter for is_called?

Thanks to RoR developers and community. This topic is resolved on this GitHub issue.