Hi, i'm new to rails and made an app which used the restful authentication gem for handling all my user accounts as there was great documentation on the web for it. Unfortunately my hosting service only supports gems listed here RubyGems.org | your community gem host which doesn't contain the restful authentication gem. It does however seem to list another user authenticatoin gem. Unfortunately i can't find documentation for that on the web. What is the best way to find docs on a gem before installing? And if you could direct me to any docs on the authentication gems listed on this website i would appreciate it. Thanks
I use the restful_authentication plugin. Since this is not a gem it gets installed on the server with my apps. No need for the hosting service to support it. This is why I prefer plugins over gems when possible.
Since restful_authentication is purely a generator plugin you don't even need to keep it around after you've generated what it generates.
I didn't realize that it was available as a gem I had to do some googling and finally found this: http://drnicwilliams.com/2007/06/25/rails-generators-in-rubygems/
This seems even better than 'installing' restful_authentication as a plugin since it lets the generator sit outside of and be used with all of your rails projects.
And, it doesn't need to be on the server at all.
However, although Dr. Nic said that it would "soon be live on Rubyforge" it doesn't seem to be there.