I'm a fairly new programmer, and I jump back and forth between PHP C#
and Ruby.
I'm trying to install a restful-authentication plugin but I can't get it
to install into my ruby directory. I have looked it up and folowed the
tutorials but no luck.
I'm a fairly new programmer, and I jump back and forth between PHP C#
and Ruby.
I'm trying to install a restful-authentication plugin
Stop trying. restful-authentication is garbage due to its overreliance
on unmaintainable generated code. Use Authlogic or something reasonable
but I can't get it
to install into my ruby directory. I have looked it up and folowed the
tutorials but no luck.
'script' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Of course it isn't. The script directory lives inside your Rails app.
You need to be at the root directory of your Rails application to run
that. Your prompt implies that you are not in that directory.
And you just want script/plugin install, not script/plugin source.
I'm working from windowsXP 64 platform also using Netbeans as my ide.
I would recommend that you drop NetBeans. Rails works best without an
IDE in my opinion. Just use a good editor (I like KomodoEdit, but there
are many others).
I'd also recommend dropping Windows; too much of Rails relies on a *nix
toolset. There are some ready-to-go Rails *nix VMs out there; I've been
hearing good things about VirtualRails.