Putting Rails on the Web Server

Can you put rails on a web server before you have written an application? And how do you do it?

Thank you,

Yes, typically, `sudo gem install rails` would do it :slight_smile:

No, I mean putting it on the web host server. I use dreamhost @ www.codyewatson.com and I wanted to put it on there.

No, I mean putting it on the web host server. I use dreamhost @ www.codyewatson.com and I wanted to put it on there.

I don't know anything about "dreamhost" but AFAIK the same answer still applies:

`sudo gem install rails`

What else do you think you need?

So do I just transfer the files on my web server?

What "files"? You use `gem` to install rails.

Are you actually talking about *deploying* an application that you've created somewhere else? Because that's an entirely different matter.

Yes, I am talking about deploying it on the web server.

I just want to deploy a barebones application.

rails depot app/ config/ db/ doc/ lib/ log/ public/ script/ test/ tmp/ vendor/

Do you have the source code stored somewhere? like github or your own subversion? You should have a look at capistrano as a deployer application for your rails app.

Also what type of webserver/appserver is it that you are using? Mongrel/Thin other?

Its at http://www.dreamhost.com on a Debian Linux server

? What is?

The question is: do you have an existing application that you want to deploy? If so, where is that application's source code?

But as suggested, reading up on capistrano would probably be a good start, along with googling 'rails deployment'.

If you’re using a shared hosting account, all the necessary infrastructure should already be in place for you. See the wiki for information about deployment.

http://wiki.dreamhost.com/Rails http://wiki.dreamhost.com/Passenger

If you’re running a VPS, it’s not clear what’s installed out of the box, so you’d need to check to see that Ruby, Rails and some deployment platform are there. A quick check from the command line should tell you everything you need to know. If you need a guide to setting up, Slicehost did some good step-by-step walkthroughs for their customers. I know you’re not on Slicehost, but the same principles should apply.

http://articles.slicehost.com/2009/2/2/ubuntu-intrepid-mod_rails-installation http://articles.slicehost.com/2009/2/2/ubuntu-intrepid-using-mod_rails-to-serve-your-application

http://articles.slicehost.com/2009/2/27/ubuntu-intrepid-mongrel-and-mongrel-cluster http://articles.slicehost.com/2009/2/27/ubuntu-intrepid-apache-rails-and-mongrels


Hi Codye,

Take into account what Chris Kottom have said.

You just need to copy the Rails app into the server and point a link to it (myapp/public).

Here is my HTML-CSS page: http://www.marcric.com/

And here is my Rails Page: http://www.mrpwp.marcric.com/

Both on DreamHost. A piece of cake.

All the best.