Hello everyone,
I'm a beginner in Ruby on Rails and I have a little problem when I update my application RoR in my server. Can you help me please?
My problem is:
When I code my application in my computer: It's ok. When I update my application in my server I have a "bug" with cookies.
When a user come in my website for the first time, I initialize some cookies. But in my server I have a message in my page and the cookies isn't initialize:
Set-Cookie: boite=1-2; path=/ Set-Cookie: _mileva2_session_id=BAh7CDoPc2Vzc2lvbl9pZCIlMzAyYjdlMjNiMzg5MDZlM2I3OTZlYTY4MzZkYjdkMjciCmZsYXNoSUM6J0FjdGlvbkNvbnRyb2xsZXI6OkZsYXNoOjpGbGFzaEhhc2h7AAY6CkB1c2VkewA6EF9jc3JmX3Rva2VuIjFHTDY3TmcvclhXeXIwTG5YcDlmbzBkOFU1eW1VQkNYNUVhU2d2Qm1DdUIwPQ%3D%3D--2ea57948c303a0b69628eb3b8798eba64ef4dd44; path=/; HttpOnly
It's working perfectly in my computer and I searched the problem in
different place but no result
My version of rails is 2.3.2.
A fragment of my code where I initialize the cookies:
In welcome_controller.rb # 3 # Dans le cas où j'ai ni cookie, et que je suis pas loggué boite = Box.find( :all, :conditions => "capsules.admin = '1' && boxes.user_id = '0'", :order => 'position', :group => 'capsule_id', :joins => "inner join capsules on boxes.capsule_id = capsules.id" ) @box = boite
# Pour créer les starters et les closers @number = 8 - boite.length
# Initialisation des cookies cookies[:user] = 'mileva' cookie_text = "" j = 0 for box in boite if(j >= 1) cookie_text = cookie_text + "-" end cookie_text = cookie_text + box.capsule.id.to_s j = j + 1 end
cookies[:boite] = cookie_text
You can see the error in www.mileva.eu (Warning, if you don't visit for the first time, you have to clear your cookies)
Thank you and Have fun