problem with redirect_to() and VirtualHost

I'm running into a problem with redirect_to() and Apache's VirtualHost facility. I have probably have something set up wrong, but I'm not even sure how to approach the problem.


  We have DNS set up to return the domain's address for all   sub-domains. So, "dig" returns the same IP   address as "dig".

  Our router forwards ranges of port numbers to specified   machines. So, a request on port 1234 might go to "fido".

  We are using Apache's VirtualHost facility to redirect (?)   requests to certain machines, as:

    <VirtualHost *:80>       ServerName       ServerAdmin       ErrorLog /dev/null       CustomLog /dev/null common       ProxyRequests Off       ProxyPass /       ProxyPassReverse /     </VirtualHost>

  As a result, requests to are answered   by a Rails server that is set up to answer port 1234 on This (mostly) works fine, both inside and   outside of the LAN.


  If a user enters an invalid value into a form, we want to   set up the "flash" hash and redirect back to the page that   contained the form. Something like:

    flash[:notice] = get_errors()     redirect_to(:back)

  This works (on the LAN) when the URL of the form page is:

  However, if the URL is:

  the redirect results in:

    Proxy Error

    The proxy server received an invalid response from an     upstream server.

    The proxy server could not handle the request POST     /conf/create.

    Reason: Document contains no data

  The server says:

    [2007-06-21 14:18:42] ERROR URI::InvalidURIError:     the scheme http does not accept registry part: (or bad hostname?)     /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/uri/generic.rb:729:in `merge'     ...

Any ideas on what might be wrong or (better) how to fix it?
