Problem with find_by_sql()

hi.. I have a question concerning the method find_by_sql()..

i wonna to make a query like this: "SELECT category, COUNT(*) FROM tables1" but cannot return anything.. I want to know the correct procedure for the output in view.. In my trials I've found this:

Hello Gabriele,

Are you sure there is some data to return from the table? Check that the find_by_sql call returns nil or has an array.

Why not skip the find_by_sql and use an ActiveRecord calculation method? example:

category_counts = MyModelThatUtilizesTables1.count( :all,   :group => ['category'],   :order => ['category'])

You'll get back an array to process in your view. You can add

Then in your view check category_counts.nil? or category_counts.size == 0 (can't remember if it returns nil or an empty array)


thanks so much.. but i wonna create a menu with all categories in tables.. for example: Bio (3) -- numeber 3 are articles in table..with category = bio Ruby (10) -- same as above but with category = ruby

ok? In PHP I can have this result with a query.. I want this with RoR..

With your method is possible?

thanks Gabriele ps: I'm sorry for my english..