Problem with Ajax response with the use of action.js.rjs file

I am trying to get a grasp of Ajax response in ROR. Following the examples in the ROR API and the books Simply Rails 2 from Sitepoint, following are the code snippets from votes_controller and create.js.rjs:

(from app/controllers/votes_controller.rb) def create   @story = Story.find(params[:story_id])   @story.votes.create(:user => @current_user)

  respond_to do |format|     format.html { redirect_to @story }     format.js   end end

(from app/views/votes/create.js.rjs) page.replace_html 'vote_score', "Score: #{@story.reload.votes.size}" page[:vote_score].visual_effect :highlight

Following is the code from (app/views/stories/show.html.erb) that triggers the create action in the votes controller: <div id="vote_form">   <% form_remote_for [ @story, ] do |f| %>   <%= f.submit 'shove it' %>   <% end %> </div>

When I hit the above shove it button, I am getting the following error (from the firebug console window) <h1>NameError in Votes#create</h1> <p>Showing <i>votes/create.js.rjs</i> where line <b>#1</b> raised: <pre><code>undefined local variable or method `page' for #&lt;ActionView::Base:0x46caf94&gt;</code></pre> </p>

Instead when I change the create def to include the inline JavaScript statements as follows, its working:

def create   @story = Story.find(params[:story_id])   @story.votes.create(:user => @current_user)

  respond_to do |format|     format.html {redirect_to @story}     format.js {       render :update do |page|         page.replace_html 'vote_score', "Score: #{@story.reload.votes.size}"   page[:vote_score].visual_effect :highlight       }   end end

Looks like the JavascriptGenerator is generating the necessary JavaScript if the statements are inline instead of in a separate view file. Is is behavior expected.

PS: I am working on WinXP using InstantRails with Rails 2.1

Thanks in advance.