Problem while connecting to MYSQL from NetBeans

Hi All,

I am new to Ruby , ROR and NetBeans.

I am using Netbeans 6.5, Ruby 1.8 versions.

I created New Project in NetBeans by giving Project Name as DBTest, selected Ruby Platform as Ruby 1.8.6-p111, server as Mongrel 1.1.5 and in DataBase Configuration by selecting Specify Database Information Directly (Database Adapter as mysql, DataBase Name as DBTest_development, User Name as root ) .

And i Have 2 Model Classes : Book and Subject My Book.rb class :

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :subject   validates_presence_of :title   validates_numericality_of :price, :message=>"Error Message" end

And my subject.rb class

class Subject < ActiveRecord::Base end

And i created Migration classes for Book and Subject

20090423224145_books.rb file:

class Books < ActiveRecord::Migration   def self.up     create_table :books do |t|         t.string :title, :limit => 32, :null => false         t.float :price         t.integer :subject_id         t.text :description         t.timestamp :created_at      end   end

  def self.down   end end

20090423224238_subjects.rb file:

class Subjects < ActiveRecord::Migration   def self.up     create_table :subjects do |t|           t.string :name        end        Subject.create :name => "Physics"        Subject.create :name => "Mathematics"        Subject.create :name => "Chemistry"        Subject.create :name => "Psychology"        Subject.create :name => "Geography"   end

  def self.down   end end

And Now i am trying to create ths Tables from NetBeans by right clicking on the project, selecting Run/Debug Rake Task(DB Test). And in that Dialog box i selected db:create..........

Now i am getting the error massege saying

Couldn't create database for {"reconnect"=>false, "encoding"=>"utf8", "username"=>"root", "adapter"=>"mysql", "host"=>"localhost", "password"=>"root", "database"=>"DBTest_development", "pool"=>5}, charset: utf8, collation: utf8_general_ci (if you set the charset manually, make sure you have a matching collation)

Can any one help me to solve this problem. Please let me know how to solve ths. Your response is highly appreciated

1) confirm that you can connect to MySQL manually using that     username and password 2) check your mysql logs (if you're not logging, configure that) 3) run the rake task from the command line

That should get you started :slight_smile:

Hassan Schroeder wrote:

manually, make sure you have a matching collation)

1) confirm that you can connect to MySQL manually using that     username and password 2) check your mysql logs (if you're not logging, configure that) 3) run the rake task from the command line

That should get you started :slight_smile:

-- Hassan Schroeder ------------------------

Hi Hassan thanks for your response. Actually every thing is working fine from command line. I can even start my MYSQL server and run rake tasks.

And even its working fine if i am using Built-in JRuby1.1.4(Ruby Platform)and server as GlassFish V3 or WEBrick from NETBeans.

But i am faceing this problem when i am using Ruby 1.8.6-p111(Ruby Platform) and server as WEBrick or Mongrel 1.1.5.

Any Idea why it is hapenning only for Ruby 1.8.6-p111 server? Do i need to do any setting in Netbeans? I can see correct details even in database.yml file.

Please let me know if you have any idea. Your response is highly appreciated

Try to install the rubygems native mysql gem:

sudo gem install mysql

Actually every thing is working fine from command line. I can even start my MYSQL server and run rake tasks.

rake tasks that access the DB?

And even its working fine if i am using Built-in JRuby1.1.4

Uh, what? So you were able to create the database using JRuby? Then running `rake db:create` again is bound to fail, right?

Maybe you can restate the exact nature of the problem. And if it's still database-related, include the relevant entry from the MySQL log.

Hassan Schroeder wrote:

Actually every thing is working fine from command line. I can even start my MYSQL server and run rake tasks.

rake tasks that access the DB?

And even its working fine if i am using Built-in JRuby1.1.4

Uh, what? So you were able to create the database using JRuby? Then running `rake db:create` again is bound to fail, right?

Maybe you can restate the exact nature of the problem. And if it's still database-related, include the relevant entry from the MySQL log.

-- Hassan Schroeder ------------------------

Hi Thanks for your response.

I tried giving gem install mysql. mysql got installed but with one error. Please see the trace below.

C:\Group>gem install mysql Successfully installed mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32... Installing RDoc documentation for mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32... ERROR: While generating documentation for mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32 ... MESSAGE: Unhandled special: Special: type=17, text="<!-- $Id: README.html, v 1.20 2006-12-20 05:31:52 tommy Exp $ -->" ... RDOC args: --op c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc/mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32/rdoc - -exclude ext --main README --quiet ext README docs/README.html --title mysql-2.7 .3-x86-mswin32 Documentation (continuing with the rest of the installation)

then i gave rake db:migrate command

C:\Group>rake db:migrate --trace (in C:/Group) ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment ** Execute db:migrate rake aborted! Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider u grading MySQL client

c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/mysql.rb:453:in `read' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/mysql.rb:130:in `real_connect' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/connection_ dapters/mysql_adapter.rb:576:in `connect' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/connection_ dapters/mysql_adapter.rb:204:in `initialize' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/connection_ dapters/mysql_adapter.rb:76:in `new' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/connection_ dapters/mysql_adapter.rb:76:in `mysql_connection' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/connection_ dapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:223:in `send' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/connection_ dapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:223:in `new_connection' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/connection_ dapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:245:in `checkout_new_connection' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/connection_ dapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:188:in `checkout' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/connection_ dapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:184:in `loop' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/connection_ dapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:184:in `checkout' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/monitor.rb:242:in `synchronize' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/connection_ dapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:183:in `checkout' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/connection_ dapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:98:in `connection' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/connection_ dapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:326:in `retrieve_connection' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/connection_ dapters/abstract/connection_specification.rb:123:in `retrieve_connection' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/connection_ dapters/abstract/connection_specification.rb:115:in `connection' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/migration.r :435:in `initialize' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/migration.r :400:in `new' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/migration.r :400:in `up' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/migration.r :383:in `migrate' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.3.2/lib/tasks/databases.rake:116 c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/lib/rake.rb:617:in `call' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/lib/rake.rb:617:in `execute' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/lib/rake.rb:612:in `each' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/lib/rake.rb:612:in `execute' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/lib/rake.rb:578:in `invoke_with_call_ hain' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/monitor.rb:242:in `synchronize' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/lib/rake.rb:571:in `invoke_with_call_ hain' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/lib/rake.rb:564:in `invoke' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/lib/rake.rb:2027:in `invoke_task' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/lib/rake.rb:2005:in `top_level' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/lib/rake.rb:2005:in `each' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/lib/rake.rb:2005:in `top_level' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/lib/rake.rb:2044:in `standard_excepti n_handling' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/lib/rake.rb:1999:in `top_level' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/lib/rake.rb:1977:in `run' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/lib/rake.rb:2044:in `standard_excepti n_handling' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/lib/rake.rb:1974:in `run' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/bin/rake:31 c:/ruby/bin/rake:19:in `load' c:/ruby/bin/rake:19

but i am faceing the error "Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider u grading MySQL client"

can any one please help me in solving this error? Thanks in advance.

It sounds like your mysql gem built against very old client libraries (3.x,4.0.x) but you're trying to access a newer server.

I have no idea how to fix that on a Windows box, though. Sorry.