Problem freezing Rails 2.3.10 release

Hi guys, I'm haviing problems when trying to freeze rails within my application. By doing this: rake rails:freeze:edge RELEASE=2.3.10 I'm getting this error:

cd vendor Downloading Rails from rake aborted! Connection reset by peer

It's been several days(from last thursday) with the same problem now, does anyone know what's happening with or is it just me doing something wrong?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Hi guys, I'm haviing problems when trying to freeze rails within my application. By doing this: rake rails:freeze:edge RELEASE=2.3.10

Why are you specifying edge, is that really what you want? If rails is specified as 2.3.10 in environment.rb then you should just be able to do rake rails:freeze:gems or if you feel you need to specify the version rake rails:freeze:gems VERSION=2.3.10 note VERSION not RELEASE


Hi guys, I'm haviing problems when trying to freeze rails within my application. By doing this: rake rails:freeze:edge RELEASE=2.3.10

Why are you specifying edge, is that really what you want?

I've always frozen rails this way. I don't want to freeze all my gems but only rails.

If rails is specified as 2.3.10 in environment.rb then you should just be able to do rake rails:freeze:gems or if you feel you need to specify the version rake rails:freeze:gems VERSION=2.3.10 note VERSION not RELEASE

Will this freeze gems under the vendor/gems and rails under vendor/rails?

Try it and see, it is some time since I last did it. If you don't like the result all you have to do is delete the files. All freeze does is to copy files. Also you have always got it committed to you source control system so you can easily get back to where you were.

Colin Colin