Problem changing datetime format

I am trying to format some datetimes like this...2007, February the 9th, 6:30pm

I have the following which gets me part way there.

ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Time::Conversions::DATE_FORMATS.update(:my_date_format => "%Y, %d %B, %I:%M%p")

There are 2 problems 1. There is no "th" formatter so that I get 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. 2. PM is in uppercase and I would prefer it in lower.


This question may be too hard for those here :slight_smile:

I understand that 1.ordinalize is '1st' (Edge) and 'PM'.downcase is 'pm' but I dont see how it can be applied to Conversions for my custom formatter.

Also the hours portion (%I) of the time format make 06 instead of 6, really, normal people just don't write 06:30

ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Time::Conversions::DATE_FORMATS.update(:my_date_format => “%Y, %d %B, %l:%M%P”)

That should do it.

Since the DATE_FORMATS are simple strftime() formatting specs, you can't just create that format. However, you can roll your own (even making it part of Time if you want) like this:

require 'rubygems' gem 'activesupport', ">=1.4" require 'active_support'

t =

class Time    def my_time      hr = hour % 12      hr = 12 if      "%d, %s the %s, %d:%02d%s" % [ year, strftime("%B"), day.ordinalize,                                     hr, min, strftime("%p").downcase ]    end end

puts t puts t.my_time


Rob Biedenharn
