previewing a post with an attachment_fu image

I want to allow the user to preview the posts they're making. Easy enough to do with text and a single model. However, now I want to allow posting of (multiple) attachments per post. My models:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :attachments ... end

class Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base   has_attachment :content_type => :image, ........ etc.....   validates_as_attachment   belongs_to :post end

The problem is I don't actually want to create new records in the attachments table until the user submit the post, but I can't use all the attachment_fu goodness to show the images in a preview unless I create the attachments first. Suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

I used multiple upload photos for my previous projects (using attachment_fu as well). I just made after user successfully uploaded photos either from new action method or edit action method, redirect them to edit action method that has photos "preview" of what they've uploaded it where there is a remove button to remove each photos and file_field to upload more photos again.

thanks, but it sounds like you just have a Photo model, as opposed to one that belongs_to another model? my situation is a little trickier because I don't want to create the photos until the user is sure he wants to create the post the photos belongs_to