postgres set-up

I have a mac. sometimes that makes a difference, but this time I’m not so sure.

I have installed the postgresql 9.1 from Enterprise DB with out a problem. Works great. Did one option in there to refuse network connections but that shouldn’t effect localhost connections.

installed pg, eventually. Took me a while to figure out if this was the bestest of the many gems out there but this is what I went with.

database.yml refers to the database adapter as postgres

rake db:migrate requires that I install ‘activerecord-postgres-adapter’

there is no such thing.

But there seems to be several postings on the internet that says something like this configuration would work.

What’s the current best practice for setting up postgresql?

I have a mac. sometimes that makes a difference, but this time I'm not so sure.

I have installed the postgresql 9.1 from Enterprise DB with out a problem. Works great. Did one option in there to refuse network connections but that shouldn't effect localhost connections.

installed pg, eventually. Took me a while to figure out if this was the bestest of the many gems out there but this is what I went with.

database.yml refers to the database adapter as postgres

  adapter: postgresql

(not postgres)

here’s my suggestion, note that my experience is on windows and linux only, not mac, but none of these steps should be different. This is based on a test app called “tom” and user named “tom”

create the rails app with the postrges db

rails new tom -d postgresql

create a user on your pg environment that has permission to create new databases,

is not a superuser, and cannot create other roles. You’ll be prompted for a password to assign

createuser -d -R -S -P tom

edit your database.yml file with the new user/password. Should look something like this:


adapter: postgresql

encoding: unicode

database: tom_dev

pool: 5

username: tom

password: blahblah

create the database

rake db:create

migrate and seed the database

rake db:migrate

rake db:seed

Have fun!

OMG do I feel dumb...

Use the ‘pg’ gem:

gem ‘pg’

And in config/database.yml:

development: adapter: postgresql database: my_checkins_development host: localhost

Taken from a tutorial on my website:


Once I changed the adapter to the correct string (postgresql) it worked great. But I ran into a slightly different question.

I’m struggling with UTF-8 encoding and was wondering if:

  1. there is any real difference in postgresql between setting up en_US.UTF-8 and POSIX as far as being able to read/write anything? I’m thinking the answer is no.
  2. when rails creates this database, is there some way I can add options to this yaml file to specify the encoding when it’s created?

Use the ‘pg’ gem:

gem ‘pg’

And in config/database.yml:


adapter: postgresql
database: my_checkins_development

host: localhost

Taken from a tutorial on my website:


Once I changed the adapter to the correct string (postgresql) it worked great. But I ran into a slightly different question.

I’m struggling with UTF-8 encoding and was wondering if:

  1. there is any real difference in postgresql between setting up en_US.UTF-8 and POSIX as far as being able to read/write anything? I’m thinking the answer is no.
  2. when rails creates this database, is there some way I can add options to this yaml file to specify the encoding when it’s created?

encoding: unicode
