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I am trying to do an active record find method. When I call it from the console it says method_missing.



require 'find_by_like' ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, CH::FIND::LIKE

find_by_like.rb module CH   module FIND #:nodoc:     module LIKE #:nodoc:

      def self.included(base)         base.send :extend, ClassMethods       end

      module ClassMethods

        def find_by_like(col,name)           query = ":all, :conditions => ['#{col} like %?%', #{name}]"           self.find(query)         end       end

    end   end end

Chris Habgood wrote:

I am trying to do an active record find method. When I call it from the console it says method_missing.

No, it probably doesn't. Please post the exact error message.



require 'find_by_like' ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, CH::FIND::LIKE

find_by_like.rb module CH   module FIND #:nodoc:     module LIKE #:nodoc:

Don't use all caps for your module names.

      def self.included(base)         base.send :extend, ClassMethods       end

      module ClassMethods

        def find_by_like(col,name)           query = ":all, :conditions => ['#{col} like %?%', #{name}]"

That should be a hash, not a string.

          self.find(query)         end       end

    end   end end


undefined method `find_by_like’

Why is it not recognizing the method?