Picture upload

Since you're new to RoR, why not use a plugin like Paperclip? It does exactly what you're trying to do and much more...should save you a lot of time.

Lee Smith wrote:

Since you're new to RoR, why not use a plugin like Paperclip? It does exactly what you're trying to do and much more...should save you a lot of time.

thoughtbot case studies featuring design and development projects for websites, mobile and web applications.

#134 Paperclip - RailsCasts

Thanks for your answer.

Ok now I have a problem with paperclip. Is it possible that it doesn't work under windows vista? I installed the plugin and tried the example from the paperclip page. There are entries in the db but with null values in the image related columns and the pictures are not in the puplic directory.

I'm getting crazy!

Here is what I've done:


class Challenge < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :user   has_attached_file :thumbnail, :styles => {:thumb => '100x100>'}



<h1>Post new Challenge</h1>     <%form_tag :action => 'create', :multipart => true do %>       <p>Challenge Title: </p>       <%= text_field 'challenge', 'title'%> <br/>       <p>Description: </p>       <%= text_field 'challenge', 'description'%><br/>       <p>Challenge Thumbnail: </p>       <%= file_field 'challenge', :thumbnail%>       <%= submit_tag 'Create' %>     <%end%>


def create     @challenge = Challenge.create params[:challenge]

    if !@challenge.valid?       flash.now[:error] = 'Bitte füllen sie alle Felder aus!'       render :action => :new    else if !@challenge.save         flash.now[:error] = 'Es trat ein Fehler beim speichern auf!'         render :action => :new       else         redirect_to :action => 'list'       end     end


Do you have something like ImageMagick installed? I don't use and haven't used windows for a while but here is an article that might help you out...


From the docs:

# * +url+: The full URL of where the attachment is publically accessible. This can just

# as easily point to a directory served directly through Apache as it can to an action

# that can control permissions. You can specify the full domain and path, but usually

# just an absolute path is sufficient. The leading slash *must* be included manually for

# absolute paths. The default value is

# "/system/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename". See

# Paperclip::Attachment#interpolate for more information on variable interpolaton.

# :url => "/:class/:attachment/:id/:style_:filename"

# :url => "[http://some.other.host/stuff/:class/:id_:extension](http://some.other.host/stuff/:class/:id_:extension)"

# * +default_url+: The URL that will be returned if there is no attachment assigned.

# This field is interpolated just as the url is. The default value is

# "/:attachment/:style/missing.png"

# has_attached_file :avatar, :default_url => "/images/default_:style_avatar.png"

# User.new.avatar_url(:small) # => "/images/default_small_avatar.png"