I want to upload,dowload image in RoR and i know Paperclip can help me it.But i can't setup Paperlist in Win dow to run application.This is link i am learning http://codeabout.wordpress.com/2011/03/08/gem-paperclip-uploading-files-and-pictures-into-your-rails-application/.Could you help me...Thanks
Most Rails developers use Linux (eg Ubuntu) or Mac, so you may not find it easy to get help with windows. However googling for rails paperclip windows does give a number of hits which may help you.
My advice, however, would be to switch to Ubuntu. This can either be done in a virtual machine inside windows (using vmware for example) or you can install Ubuntu so that you can dual boot for Win or Ubuntu. Don't use Wubi however, I have not found it reliable.
Then in Ubuntu use rvm or rbenv to install ruby and rails.
Thanks Colin. i will try to with Virtual Machine.i'm a newbie about RoR so i want have more instruction from you.Thanks.
Could you explain for me why Wubi is not Reliable?Thanks..
Please quote the previous message and insert your reply at appropriate points. This is a mailing list not a forum (though you may be accessing it through a forum-like interface). Therefore it is important that each post contains sufficient information that the thread can be followed. Thanks.
My advice to beginners is always to first work right through a good tutorial such as railstutorial.org, which is free to use online.
My experience has been that it is ok for trying out Ubuntu but is not sufficiently reliable to be used as a working system.
Thanks Colin. Could you tell me about some System can use?
Thanks Colin. Could you tell me about some System can use?
You have not quoted the previous message, as I asked.
I think I suggested ways of doing this in my first post, as below
My advice, however, would be to switch to Ubuntu. This can either be done in a virtual machine inside windows (using vmware for example) or you can install Ubuntu so that you can dual boot for Win or Ubuntu. Don't use Wubi however, I have not found it reliable.
Then in Ubuntu use rvm or rbenv to install ruby and rails.
Thanks Colin.I understood what you said.i have done upload and dowload image with paperclip ,i hope you will help me about RoR.Thanks