permissions for an sqlite3 db? rake aborted

It's not clear to me why the rake fails. Would it be helpful to post the trace? seemed spammy. I assume it's some sort of permissions issue, although a google search turned up other ideas (which seemed unlikely so I won't repeat them).

Any and all thoughts please!

thufir@arrakis ~/rubyCode/straw $ thufir@arrakis ~/rubyCode/straw $ ll db/ total 4 drwxr-xr-x 2 thufir users 4096 Nov 29 00:31 migrate -rw-rw-rw- 1 thufir users 0 Nov 29 00:31 straw.db thufir@arrakis ~/rubyCode/straw $ thufir@arrakis ~/rubyCode/straw $ sqlite3 db/straw.db SQLite version 3.4.1 Enter ".help" for instructions

.schema .quit

thufir@arrakis ~/rubyCode/straw $ cat config/database.yml

development:         adapter: sqlite3         dbfile: /home/thufir/straw/db/straw.db test:         adapter: sqlite3         dbfile: /home/thufir/straw/db/straw.db production:         adapter: sqlite3         dbfile: /home/thufir/straw/db/straw.db thufir@arrakis ~/rubyCode/straw $ thufir@arrakis ~/rubyCode/straw $ cat db/migrate/001_feeds.rb

class Feeds < ActiveRecord::Migration         def self.up                 create_table :feeds do |table|                         table.column :title, :string                         table.column :location, :string                         table.column :category_id, :integer                 end         end         def self.down                 drop_table :feeds         end end thufir@arrakis ~/rubyCode/straw $ thufir@arrakis ~/rubyCode/straw $ rake db:migrate (in /home/thufir/rubyCode/straw) rake aborted! could not open database

(See full trace by running task with --trace) thufir@arrakis ~/rubyCode/straw $



I had this problem once a while ago. My Ruby had sqlite version 2 support instead of version 3 or something like that. My point is it was giving me what looked like permission errors but it was really a sqlite version conflict. Hope that helps.

I have no idea what the problem was, but the solution was to not create the db myself but to have the migration do it (and the rails command create the database.yml automagically!):

thufir@arrakis ~/rubyCode $ thufir@arrakis ~/rubyCode $ cat sqLiteStraw.rb require 'fileutils' require 'sqlite3'

FileUtils.rmtree 'straw' system("rails straw --database=sqlite3")'straw', :verbose => true)

I have no idea what the problem was, but the solution was to not create the db myself but to have the migration do it (and the rails command create the database.yml automagically!):

thufir@arrakis ~/rubyCode $ thufir@arrakis ~/rubyCode $ cat sqLiteStraw.rb require 'fileutils' require 'sqlite3'

FileUtils.rmtree 'straw' system("rails straw --database=sqlite3")'straw', :verbose => true)