I have an SSL enabled ruby on rails application that used solr and the sunspot rails gem for search. For development I just run solr locally and that works as expected. But I’m trying to set up a stand-alone solr server for production. So I installed it on its own server and created the core for my site. I also copied over the sunspot schema.xml and solrconfig.xml files from my project to the data/conf directory on the solr server.
I updated my application config file to point to the solr server and was able to populate the index for my site from the command line using rails sunspot:solr:reindex (so the application server can communicate with the solr server). I was able to verify this by accessing the Solr Dashboard web page for the solr server; I can see that my data is there (the numDocs matches with what I’d expect). I was also able to run search from my rails console
But when I try to access search through my web application I’m getting Errno::EACCES in SearchController#index Permission denied - connect(2) for “” port 8983. ( is the IP address of my solr server).
Normally this is some sort of file permission issue but I’m not really what file(s) could be causing the problem. I can’t find anything written in the solr logs on the solr server.
I’m using the default setup for solr using java 1.8 and solr 5.4.1; jetty is the service (java -server owned by solr). The install directory is /opt/solr (owned by root) and the data directory is in /var/solr (owned by solr). I tried changing the owner for /opt/solr but get the same results.
Anybody face the same issue and if so what did you do to fix it? I really would appreciate any help I could get.