

I have installed both pdf-stamper and rjb on my machine, and when I tired the following code in my controller code

pdf = PDF::Stamper.new("YellowReq.pdf")

I got an error uninitialized constant HomeController::PDF

I have set up java home export JAVA_HOME = '/Library/Java/Home'

How to set up LD_LIBRARY_PATH on my snow leopard?



I have installed both pdf-stamper and rjb on my machine, and when I tired the following code in my controller code

pdf = PDF::Stamper.new("YellowReq.pdf")

I got an error uninitialized constant HomeController::PDF

Hey I tried this way:

irb(main):001:0> require 'rubygems' => false irb(main):002:0> require 'rjb' => true irb(main):003:0> load_path = File.join('/Library/WebServer/Documents/rubyapps/tproj2/lib/iText.jar') => "/Library/WebServer/Documents/rubyapps/tproj2/lib/iText.jar" irb(main):004:0> options = => irb(main):005:0> Rjb::load load_path, options => nil irb(main):006:0> doc = Rjb::import("com.lowagie.text.Document") NoClassDefFoundError: com/lowagie/text/Document   from (irb):6:in `import'   from (irb):6   from /usr/local/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'

Why am I getting this error?

Craig White wrote:

I don't follow at all what you are trying to do and why.

Once you run irb from your local installation instead of running 'script/console' from within your rails root directory, you are pretty much not running rails at all but just basic ruby and at that point, you are not on topic here.

Then you've seeming installed the iText jar files in your rails application which should have been installed as gems and automatically loaded from the appropriate ruby/gems path.

The error you are asking about is from rjb which likewise, has nothing to do with rails.

My own experience with pdf-stamper was with rails 1.2.x and though it's a gem and should be functional with current versions of rails I'm a little hesitant to recommend it because I simply don't know and that is why I tried to steer you onto a methodology that didn't require java/rjb, especially since I gathered that your experience with ruby and with rails are somewhat limited.


Thanks for the response.

I want to narrow down the problem. It seems to me that rjb can not load iText even though I installed pdf-stampers as a gem.

I have looked at prawn but it doesn't have the features I wanted. There is a bug about installing pdftk on snow leopard.

Craig White wrote:

Thanks for the response.

I want to narrow down the problem. It seems to me that rjb can not load iText even though I installed pdf-stampers as a gem.

I have looked at prawn but it doesn't have the features I wanted. There is a bug about installing pdftk on snow leopard.

Thank you so much for your help!

I am finally able to install pdftk. I have a question about how to send pdf to browser directly.

my code is here:

pdf_output = `pdftk #{filename} fill_form #{fdf.path} output` respond_to do |format|     format.pdf do         send_data pdf_output, :filename => filename,                                  :type => "application/pdf"     end end

But the browser can not open the pdf. It says it is empty.

What is the correct way to do this?

Craig White wrote:

Thank you so much for your help!

I am finally able to install pdftk. I have a question about how to send pdf to browser directly.

my code is here:

pdf_output = `pdftk #{filename} fill_form #{fdf.path} output` respond_to do |format|     format.pdf do         send_data pdf_output, :filename => filename,                                  :type => "application/pdf"     end end

But the browser can not open the pdf. It says it is empty.

What is the correct way to do this?

> Thank you so much for your help! > > I am finally able to install pdftk. I have a question about how to send > pdf to browser directly. > > my code is here: > > pdf_output = `pdftk #{filename} fill_form #{fdf.path} output` > respond_to do |format| > format.pdf do > send_data pdf_output, :filename => filename, > :type => "application/pdf" > end > end > > But the browser can not open the pdf. It says it is empty. > > What is the correct way to do this? ---- I've always used send_file myself, send_data might work but I have no experience with it but I think you're being sloppy with your command...

pdf_output = `pdftk some_file_name.pdf \                     fill_form some_file_name.fdf \                     output some_new_file_name.pdf`

send_file "some_new_file_name.pdf",   :type => "application/pdf",   :disposition => 'inline'

note that you will have to 'path' the pdf & fdf files all relative to the 'public' folder.

Thank you!