Pb with render to breaking out of an iframe


I have an application who open an other web site in an iframe where my users have some work to do and have to clic on a button when the job is done. This action send me a get http. In the controller I use this command to breaking out of the iframe :

render :text => breakout_path(refinery.scores_score_path(@score)) , content_type: :html

private def breakout_path(path) “” end

My problem is that solution works fine on Firefox and Safari but fails in Chrome, IE and Opera.

In Chrome and Opera, the iframe stay and print the text render interpreted :

For Internet Explorer it’s worst, on clic it ask to dowload a file where the name is the controller name and contain the text interpreted too.

I tried to change my

Here is my environnement : Ubuntu desktop 14.04 Rails 4.2.4 Ruby 2.0.0p645 Refinerycms 3.0

Thanks for helping me :wink: I’m a beginner in web and rails development :