passing intance variable from controller application_controller.rb to view template

Hi, guy.

How to pass a variable from application_controller.rb to view template. Whatever it is what kind of variable. I just want to pass the variable value to template.

Thank you.

In a method in the controller say @my_variable = the_value

Call that method from the action being performed and access @my_variable in the view.

Thanks Colin, I solved this problem, if i do as you said , it just works in normal controller, not in application_controller.rb

I should do like this ,

before_filter :my_var

def my_var @my_var = ‘a string’ end

So it works in view as normally variable invoked.

coolesting d. wrote in post #1018357:

Hi, guy.

How to pass a variable from application_controller.rb to view template. Whatever it is what kind of variable. I just want to pass the variable value to template.

Thank you.

class Animal   @val = 10

  def self.val     @val   end


class Dog < Animal   def some_action     @val_from_app_controller = Animal.val     puts @val_from_app_controller   end end

controller = controller.some_action

--output:-- 10