Passing variables from View to Controller


I was wondering if somebody would be able to help me out here for a second. I would like to pass a variable from the view into the controller. An example would look like this....

<%= text_area 'business', 'acceptinfo' %>

How would I be able to get the controller to read what the user puts into the text area?

Thanks! wrote:


I was wondering if somebody would be able to help me out here for a second. I would like to pass a variable from the view into the controller. An example would look like this....

<%= text_area 'business', 'acceptinfo' %>

How would I be able to get the controller to read what the user puts into the text area?

It'll be in the params hash.

Thank you for the response.

So, for example, it would be...


or something like that? I thought I tried it but I'll give it another shot. I'm not in front of the box right now...but I'll try it later on.

Thanks! Mike wrote:

Thank you for the response.

So, for example, it would be...


or something like that? I thought I tried it but I'll give it another shot. I'm not in front of the box right now...but I'll try it later on.

It would be:
