
When using the pagination class, you can specify the :include parameter. Is it possible to specify two for a table that references two relations? For example a POST has both a USER and an ORGANIZATION. Would the correct syntax be:

      @posts_pages, @posts = paginate(:posts,         :include => :user,                                 :include => :organizations,         :order => 'published_at DESC',         :conditions => "organization_id=#{params[:organization_id].to_i} AND published = true") wrote:

When using the pagination class, you can specify the :include parameter. Is it possible to specify two for a table that references two relations? For example a POST has both a USER and an ORGANIZATION. Would the correct syntax be:

      @posts_pages, @posts = paginate(:posts,         :include => :user,                                 :include => :organizations,         :order => 'published_at DESC',         :conditions => "organization_id=#{params[:organization_id].to_i} AND published = true")

According to the API docs, paginate will pass the include options onto #find which in turn would expect an array, so:

  :include => [:user, :organisation]

is the way to do it.

Many Thanks