Pagination is ignoring my RESTful routes?

My routes for parent = project and child = portal looks like this:   map.resources :projects do |projects|     projects.resources :portals, :name_prefix => "project_"   end

In my portals=index I have the following Pagination code that's always worked for me.     @portal_pages = self, @project.portals.count, 3, params[:page]     @portals = @project.portals.find :all,        :order => 'description',        :limit => @portal_pages.items_per_page,        :offset => @portal_pages.current.offset

The code at the bottom of the portal.index view is <%= link_to 'Previous page', { :page => @portal_pages.current.previous } if @portal_pages.current.previous %> <%= link_to 'Next page', { :page => } if %>

My index view displays the first page correctly displaying this route: http://localhost:3005/projects/1/portals When I click the NEXT button a NON-nested route is called that 'coughs' as the parent is nowhere to be found (as shown) http://localhost:3005/portals?page=2.

Shouldn't the route that is built be http://localhost:3005/projects/1/portals?page=2. The error displayed = Error = ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in PortalsController#index Couldn't find Project without an ID Is there a special Paginator object for nested RESTful routes? Thanks, David