paginate conditions

paginate :per_page => 15, :page => page, :conditions => ['tags like ?', "%#{search}%"], :order => 'created_at DESC'

Hi, just wondering how I would change the conditions to include an extra like?

I want to do: 'tags AND body like ?'

Not sure what's the proper syntax for this,


That part is straight SQL (with some nice substitutions) so you'd want:

:conditions => ['tags LIKE ? AND body LIKE ?', "%#{search}%", "%#{search}%"]

that will return results where both tag and body are like your search.


Super, thanks! Is there such an operator as OR?


Super, thanks! Is there such an operator as OR?

Yep. OR :slight_smile:

No idea what your level of SQL knowledge is and I don't mean to give offense, but you may find this helpful:


Philip Hallstrom wrote:

Super, thanks! Is there such an operator as OR?

Yep. OR :slight_smile:

No idea what your level of SQL knowledge is and I don't mean to give offense, but you may find this helpful:

SQL Tutorial


Ha ha, thanks Philip. I've read that article before. The problem is, I haven't worked very much with SQL at all before. =) Thanks!