Condition LIKE with or for autocomplete


I need some help. I am doing an auto complete that hast to find result from a mysql database of some people if the text written in the text box matches the name or last name. It works if i only want to find matches with the name or indepently the secon name but not with a or of both. I have this

@inscritos = Inscrito.find(:all, :conditions => [“LOWER(nombre) LIKE ?”, ‘%’ + params[:familiar][“0”].downcase + ‘%’ ], :order => ‘apellido ASC’, :limit => 8)

this works fine but then i want something like this

@inscritos = Inscrito.find(:all, :conditions => [“LOWER(nombre) OR LOWER(apellido) LIKE ?”, ‘%’ + params[:familiar][“0”].downcase + ‘%’ ], :order => ‘apellido ASC’, :limit => 8)

Shouldn't it be

@inscritos = Inscrito.find(:all,           :conditions => ["LOWER(nombre) LIKE ? OR LOWER(apellido) LIKE ?",           '%' + params[:familiar]["0"].downcase + '%' ],    '%' + params[:familiar]["0"].downcase + '%' ],           :order => 'apellido ASC',           :limit => 8)

otherwise you are saying 'LOWER(nombre) is true or LOWER(apellido) LIKE blah'

Cheers Simon

I would think that would work if you enclosed your arguments in parens, e.g.

(LOWER(nombre) OR LOWER(apellido)) LIKE ?

or alternatively

LOWER(nombre) LIKE ? OR LOWER(apellido) LIKE ?


I made a concatenation of nombre apellido and then made the search that worked great. Thank for your help