OrderedHash and ActiveSupport hash extensions

I have a method that removes some errors from the ActiveRecord::Base#errors object. After updating my app to 2.3.4, I find that the removal process is broken. Witness:

h = {:a => 1, :b => 2} oh = ActiveSupport::OrderedHash[:a, 1, :b, 2]

h.slice!(:a) h.keys => [:a] GOOD oh.slice!(:a);oh.keys => [:a, :b] OUCH!

NB: #slice works fine on ordered hashes, but not the in-place variant.

This is in Ruby 1.8.7 on Rails 2-3-stable.

So, is this behavior a bug? It kinda falls into the undefined behavior, but for consistency/least surprise it should probably remove the keys from an ordered hash, not just nullify the values.


This is in Ruby 1.8.7 on Rails 2-3-stable.

So, is this behavior a bug? It kinda falls into the undefined behavior, but for consistency/least surprise it should probably remove the keys from an ordered hash, not just nullify the values.

This looks like a bug to me, file a ticket for it in lighthouse so we can fix it. Attaching a patch would be even better :slight_smile:

Done. I've created the ticket and enclosed a patch here: https://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/16213-rails-guides/tickets/105-activesupportorderedhashreplace-results-in-corrupt-keys

Turns out the problem was more fundamental than just OrderedHash#slice! -it's actually a problem in OrderedHash#replace.
