oracle :time field issue

What field type should I use to store time in oracle? I tried :time but that actually creates a date field that doesn't work with time_select, it gives me the error "1 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes".


I ended up using an oracle 'date' field even though I only need to store a time, seems there's really no other choice. You can't use a string type if you want to use any rails helpers. And then even using the oracle date field the time_select helper won't work with it. I'm having to use the select_datetime helper for now.

The weird thing about the oracle date field is the oracle web interface only shows me the date. I have to query using to_char( meds, 'hh:mi' ) to be able to see the time portion, the part I need to actually see.

You might try wrapping the options in {} so date_select doesn't get confused. Or maybe try using the form_for syntax.