oracle adapter + activerecord sessions do not work

Anyone know what's up with the activerecord session store when using the oracle adapter in Rails 2.0.2 ?

I can set a session variable and can then see it's actually set using the debugger, but after the request completes the session is empty (the @data member is nil). The session_id is staying the same and the updated_at field is being updated but nothing I put in a session makes it to the end of a request.

It's also worth mentioning the oracle adapter wouldn't work for me at all until I found this patch code which provides the select_rows method, seems they forgot to implement it or something:

require 'active_record/connection_adapters/oracle_adapter' module ActiveRecord   module ConnectionAdapters     class OracleAdapter       def select_rows(sql, name = nil)         @connection.query_with_result = true         result = execute(sql, name)         rows =         result.each { |row| rows << row }         rows       end     end   end end

I placed that in environment.rb and it works best I can tell but now I find my active record sessions are broken. I'm not sure if the two problems are related.

The default cookie sessions work without an issues.

Greg, I ran into the same problem. I found the solution here:

Basically because the session data is stored in a CLOB you need to include this in your environment.rb

class CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore::Session   after_save :write_lobs end


Thanks. I'll give it a try.