Open Browser Window help

When I previously designed my static sites in dreamweaver, I used an Open Browser Window behavior which opened a URL in a new window of fixed size by inserting the following:

<a href="javascript:;"      onclick="MM_openBrWindow('example.html', ... 'width=300,height=300')</a>

Is there a simple way to do the same thing in ruby?

this has nothing to do with ruby. that function you show is some custom Dreamweaver function. it's just a wrapper for the javascript function

link_to "blabla", {:controller => some, :action => :thing }, :popup => ["new_window_name","width=300,height=300"]

Rails API on :popup => :

:popup => true || array of window options: This will force the link to open in a popup window. By passing true, a default browser window will be opened with the URL. You can also specify an array of options that are passed-thru to JavaScripts method.