On init webrick get older rails version (suddenly)


I'm running rails 2.3.8, confirmed by the prompt (rails -v)

I'm doing a project and on other occasions I have needed install nested forms.

I followed the steps (Ruby on Rails — Nested Model Forms)

This steps: $ git clone git://github.com/alloy/rails.git $ cd rails $ git checkout origin/normalized_nested_attributes $ cd ../.. $ ruby vendor/rails/railties/bin/rails .

And when i restarted webrick, this load rails 2.3.0 (that i didn't install).

=> Booting WEBrick => Rails 2.3.0 application starting on

Anyone know what relationship there is or how to fix this?

Thanks in advance

If you look in vendor/rails I think you will find that those instructions have installed a patched version of rails there (presumably 2.3.0).


Colin Law wrote:

This steps: => Rails 2.3.0 application starting on

If you look in vendor/rails I think you will find that those instructions have installed a patched version of rails there (presumably 2.3.0).


Thanks Colin

Yes, this is the problem. In vendor/rails/railties/lib/rails/version.rb i have this:

module Rails   module VERSION #:nodoc:     MAJOR = 2     MINOR = 3     TINY = 0

    STRING = [MAJOR, MINOR, TINY].join('.')   end end

If the binaries belongs to version 2.3.0 should i replaced then for the binaries of 2.3.8.

Don't feel that this is the correct...

I doubt if that would work. I suggest finding a better way rather than using this patch.

This might be helpful:


Colin Law wrote: