not seeing where name attribute is added to input fields

Without going to detail, I'll just show important code:

text field is passed the name of object, could be a symbol (:user) or string ("user"). method is datbase attribute or virtual attribute. the options hash, among other things, includes the object if persisted (e.g. @user).       def text_field(object_name, method, options = {}), method, self, options).render       end

TextField doesn't have initialize, it calls on super which is Base, and we create some instance variables holding our object information and so forth: class Base ...

        def initialize(object_name, method_name, template_object, options = {})           @object_name, @method_name = object_name.to_s.dup, method_name.to_s.dup           @template_object = template_object

          @object_name.sub!(/\[\]$/,"") || @object_name.sub!(/\[\]\] $/,"]")           @object = retrieve_object(options.delete(:object))           @options = options ...

We call render on text field object         def render           options = @options.stringify_keys           options["size"] = options["maxlength"] unless options.key? ("size")           options["type"] ||= field_type           options["value"] = options.fetch("value") { value_before_type_cast(object) } unless field_type == "file"           options["value"] &&= ERB::Util.html_escape(options["value"])           add_default_name_and_id(options)           tag("input", options)         end

      def tag(name, options = nil, open = false, escape = true)         "<#{name}#{tag_options(options, escape) if options}#{open ? ">" : " />"}".html_safe       end

and thats pretty much it. Wheres the name attribute and its value appended to the returned string from render?

Without going to detail, I’ll just show important code:

text field is passed the name of object, could be a symbol (:user) or

string (“user”). method is datbase attribute or virtual attribute.

the options hash, among other things, includes the object if persisted

(e.g. @user).

  def text_field(object_name, method, options = {}), method, self, options).render


TextField doesn’t have initialize, it calls on super which is Base,

and we create some instance variables holding our object information

and so forth:

class Base

    def initialize(object_name, method_name, template_object,

options = {})

      @object_name, @method_name = object_name.to_s.dup,


      @template_object = template_object

      @object_name.sub!(/\[\]$/,"") || @object_name.sub!(/\[\]\]


      @object = retrieve_object(options.delete(:object))

      @options = options

We call render on text field object

    def render

      options = @options.stringify_keys

      options["size"] = options["maxlength"] unless options.key?


      options["type"]  ||= field_type

      options["value"] = options.fetch("value")

{ value_before_type_cast(object) } unless field_type == “file”

      options["value"] &&= ERB::Util.html_escape(options["value"])



and thats pretty much it. Wheres the name attribute and its value

appended to the returned string from render?

add_default_name_and_id is doing the work here.

–Matt Jones