Not been able to insert data onto DB

Hi all, I am not been able to insert row into DB from the rails console.

Command used: Post.create(:title =>"t1",:content =>"c1")

Output : (0.2ms) begin transaction   SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "posts" ("created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?) [["created_at", "2015-04-06 19:21:40.219007"], ["updated_at", "2015-04-06 19:21:40.219007"]]    (204.6ms) commit transaction => #<Post id: 13, title: nil, content: nil, created_at: "2015-04-06 19:21:40", updated_at: "2015-04-06 19:21:40">

title and content column are not populates.

create_posts.rb file :

class CreatePosts < ActiveRecord::Migration   def change     create_table :posts do |t|       t.string :title       t.text :content

      t.timestamps null: false     end   end end

Did u add these attributes in post.rb as attr_accesble

amruby wrote in post #1171533:

Did u add these attributes in post.rb as attr_accesble

Yeah I added these attribute in post.rb file.

post.rb file:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base   attr_accessor :title, :content end

attr_accessible is not the same as attr_accessor


attr_accessible, not attr_accessor, that @colin Law mentioned.

I tried attr_accessible, but it seems this one is also not working.

When I am adding the data onto Db through the console then it is giving error, NoMethodError: undefined method `attr_accessible' for Post (call 'Post.connection' to establish a connection):Class

Found a solution for this one.

I just removed the "attr_accessible :title, :content" line from post.rb and now I am able to insetr data onto DB through console.

post.rb file:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base end

However, I made a sample blogging application in my system. I am able to insert a record in DB through console. But I am not been able to insert data through my application, don't know what I am doing wrong in that.

Have you specified attr_accessible for the fields? If, when you do that, then you get a different error then that is the error that you must address.


No, currently my post.rb file is something like that.


class Post < ActiveRecord::Base end

But when I change the file to :

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base   attr_accessible :title, :content end

then on running the application, it is saying, undefined method `attr_accessible' for #<Class:0x007f3c32758418>

On console =>

NoMethodError (undefined method `attr_accessible' for #<Class:0x007f3c32758418>):   app/models/post.rb:2:in `<class:Post>'   app/models/post.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'   app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:29:in `index'

I guess you must be using Rails 4 then. The new way to do this is to use strong parameters. This gives a simple example of how to do it
