non-CRUD actions with REST

Hi all, About non-CRUD actions, how they are handled with RESTful application. I mean that if i needed to use link_to to that kind of actions, how it’s done.

thanks, Sorry for disturbance,

Mostafa Badawi

Greetings Mostafa,

If you are creating custom actions, there are many ways to route to them. One of those ways is named routes. If you take a look in the config/routes.rb file, you should find a lot of example routes you can setup. Everything is processed from top to bottom. Thus, your should have your most specific routes near the top and your most general routes near the bottom.

Here is an example:

map.purchase 'products/:id/purchase', :controller => 'catalog', :action => 'purchase' would be routed to the catalog controller, using the purchase action

To understand what routes are available to you, run the rake command: rake routes. Reading this list, take the name of the route and add either a _path, or _url, and the correct path or URL will be created. You can experiment with this by printing your path / URL to the screen in an erb file. For example:

<%= example_route_path %> would output something like /example/

Hope that helps some. Search the group for REST and I'm sure you'll come up with loads of helpful information. :o)

~Dustin Tigner

This answers most questions about routing and I don't know why more people don't link to it!

Next time... I'll link. :o) Very helpful article, and funny too! That's a lot better than my short explanation.

~Dustin Tigner