nil values being set in scaffold generated code for 1.2.3

Hi Andrew,

Andrew Don wrote:

@user =[:user]) The above line should populate a user object with values entered by the client. Unfortunately the user object is populated with nil values, even though the params user object has the client entered values. This seems very unusual and more than likely an error on my part, but suggestions about resolving the problem would be welcome.

When you say the "user object is populated with nil values", do you mean the Rails object, or the related record in the database? If the latter, my first suggestion would be to check to see if there's a validation that's keeping the from succeeding. If there's not an obvious (one you look) problem there, I'd suggest you post some additional code.

Best regards, Bill

Hi Andrew,

Andrew Don wrote:

Thanks for responding.

You're welcome.

The code extract below is taken from the user controller object and is scaffold generated code : def create @user =[:user]) if    flash[:notice] = 'User was successfully saved.' etc etc. I ran the code in debug mode setting a breakpoint just below the line '@user =[:user])' and found that values entered on the browser were present in the params object but all the columns/attributes of the user object were null.

Not sure what you're using to look at the user object, but when you say "all the columns" it makes me wonder if you're looking at the database rather than the in-memory object.

There are model validations against the object in user.rb and these are correctly validated and return a list of failures , as the values in @user are all null.

To test whether the values in @user are, in fact, null, comment out the save and make a new view (just rename the old one) to be rendered by this controller method. In it, just render the values of the @user attributes (e.g., <%= %>).

It would appear that there is a problem in the initialisation of the @user object, but of course this assumption is surely not correct.

Anything is possible, but I'd bet a nickle that the problem is in your validations. They can get tricky. For starters, comment out all your validations and see what gets saved. Then start adding the validations back to identify the one that's giving you problems.

Best regards, Bill