Newbea question again?

Hello RoR Developers,

I have tiny problem about comparison. I have a array and hash. I want to compare array elements with hash keys. more details: this is my hash, I create it from yaml file my yaml file template1:   template_of_roster3: template_of_roster2   template_of_roster4: template_of_roster3

@get_config=YAML.load("#{PATH_IM}/config/converter.yml"))     @get_config == Hash @my_hash==Hash @enterprises=@get_config["template1"]

and my array @my_array=["template_of_roster","template_of_roster2","template_of_roster3"]

my question here is that how can I compare array with hash keys and how can I can send warning message to user? @my_array.eql?(@@my_hash.key)==false warn "warning message"

something like this.
