New way of managing content pages in rails: breeze_cms

Summary: I have just published version 1.0 of a new cms approach that stores data in files and thus integrates into the normal workflow

Motivation: Whenever i do content heavy sites, i get stuck into a maintenance cycle where i (as a developer) need to update the smallest (and biggest) changes by hand. Not ideal. By content heavy i mean over 5 pages (maybe 10-20), possibly just 1-3 controllers/models. I have never found a satisfactory cms to work with (huge learning curves, without delivering the functionality i need) and also find the whole idea of “developing” the content on a production site just plain wrong. So now i scratched that itch.

Breeze CMS, which i use in several production sites, lets editors change content, according to developers templates. Breeze manages pages (full height), that include sections (full width), that may include cards. About 20 basic templates for sections and cards are included, which let editors use a wide range of features (see docs), but developers can (and are expected to) develop more, specific to the look and functionality of the site. Breeze never the less handles all editing, saving, committing, allows for image adding/editing and manages translations. Breeze saves all data in yaml files (+ images in assets), and uses git commits to save, so any changes are integrated into the normal developer workflow.


So for me this reliably does what i need it to, try it out and participate
