I am curious if the following URL pattern is appropriate to use with REST and map.resources:
Let's say I want to build a website with information about cars. I decide that there will be a page to view/manage cars by model. The route for this is easily created:
map.resources :cars
The URLs look great. But now I want to introduce the ability to specify cars by year. I can do this by modifying the existing route:
map.resources :cars do |car| car.resources :years end
However, this leads to an undesirable URL pattern. To view a 1998 Corvette, I need to point my browser at /cars/corvette/years/1998. What I wanted was /car/corvette/1998. In addition, the /car/corvette URL would enumerate all years that the corvette was produced. I want a POST request on /car/corvette to be used for adding new years.
Essentially, I want the ability to nest resources, without specifying the nested resource name. I know how to do this without using the resources API, so I'm not looking for a workaround.
In the CarsController, I would access a car with params[:id]. In the CarYearsController, I would access a particular year of a car by using params[:car] and params[:id]. (The :id would be the year). Is this just a bad idea?