I’m building a job board that uses a User model and a Job model. A user has many jobs, and a job belongs to a user.
I need the board to act like this:
If a user is logged in, he can see the jobs he created at /users/:user_id/jobs. If a user is not logged in, he can see all the jobs created by all users at /jobs.
Currently I have 2 routes who route to the same index action.
resources :users do
resources :jobs, shallow: true
resources :jobs, only: [:index]
rake routes
user_jobs GET /users/:user_id/jobs(.:format) jobs#index
jobs GET /jobs(.:format) jobs#index
Do I need the index action to conditionally check for the params[:user_id] or is there a better way to accomplish this?
I'm building a job board that uses a User model and a Job model. A user has
many jobs, and a job belongs to a user.
I need the board to act like this:
If a user is logged in, he can see the jobs he created at
/users/:user_id/jobs. If a user is not logged in, he can see all the jobs
created by all users at /jobs.
You have not stated what a logged in user will see at /jobs and what a
non-logged in user will see at /users/:user_id/jobs. Remember anyone
can enter any url, and could put in an id for a different user.
Why not just have one route and decide what to show based on whether
the user is logged in or not?
I would recommend un-nesting them. IMHO, nested resources only make
much sense when the inner ones don't make sense outside the context of
the outer ones. (Alternate viewpoints welcome!) Since you allow
/jobs, that's clearly not the case.
Anyway, then you can make the "my jobs" URL something like
"/jobs?posted_by=123" or even "/jobs?posted_by=me" (and interpret "me"
in the controller). That could even be one of many possible job
filtering params.