nested routes question

Trying to convert my app (and brain) to RESTful routes from the old style. What is the accepted approach to nesting a resource within 2 other resources?



  Person has_many :scores   Contest has_many :scores   Score belongs_to :person, :contest


  resources :people do     resources :scores   end

  resources :competitions do     resources :scores   end

I want to be able to list scores by person, or by competition. Either of the these two paths will request the :index action in the :scores controller:

GET /people/person_id/scores GET /contests/contest_id/scores

So what is the best way to structure scores/index to deliver the appropriate list?

I could test for the presence of params[person_id] or params[contest_id], then execute and render accordingly within the :index action. But that seems somewhat inelegant. Is there a better way? Should I have two separate actions within the :score controller, and modify my route mapping somehow to request the appropriate action?

bump ... no answers?

I could test for the presence of params[person_id] or params[contest_id], then execute and render accordingly within the :index action. But that seems somewhat inelegant.

How about writing something generic to get the parent? You can add this at the bottom of your ScoresController for example:


  def get_parent     params.each do |name, value|       return $1.classify.constantize.find(value) if name =~ /(.+)_id$/     end     nil   end

Have fun, Franz

Ed wrote:

Trying to convert my app (and brain) to RESTful routes from the old style. What is the accepted approach to nesting a resource within 2 other resources?

Well, REST only has to do with routing and external interface. It tells you nothing about the implementation details of how to structure your controllers, which seems to be your real question here.



  Person has_many :scores   Contest has_many :scores   Score belongs_to :person, :contest


  resources :people do     resources :scores   end

  resources :competitions do     resources :scores   end

I want to be able to list scores by person, or by competition. Either of the these two paths will request the :index action in the :scores controller:

GET /people/person_id/scores GET /contests/contest_id/scores

So what is the best way to structure scores/index to deliver the appropriate list?

I could test for the presence of params[person_id] or params[contest_id], then execute and render accordingly within the :index action. But that seems somewhat inelegant.

Does it? If you want to reuse the same controller action, it seems entirely reasonable to test the data you're getting passed.

Is there a better way? Should I have two separate actions within the :score controller, and modify my route mapping somehow to request the appropriate action?

You could do that, certainly. I think I'd use the former solution, though.



Trying to convert my app (and brain) to RESTful routes from the old style. What is the accepted approach to nesting a resource within 2 other resources?



Person has_many :scores Contest has_many :scores Score belongs_to :person, :contest


resources :people do resources :scores end

resources :competitions do resources :scores end

I think that you should use HABTM :through, the rest should be easy

What is the difference between persons and contests as far as scores are concerned? Looks to be a polymorphic relationship based on the context of your post. Person to Scores and Scores to Contest.

I agree with radhames, though in lower case. I've found that you need only be concerned with one level of nesting at a time.

Bb Serviss wrote:

What is the difference between persons and contests as far as scores are concerned? Looks to be a polymorphic relationship based on the context of your post. Person to Scores and Scores to Contest.

That's not my interpretation. It looks like a score belongs to a person and a contest simultaneously.

I agree with radhames, though in lower case. I've found that you need only be concerned with one level of nesting at a time.

That's all that the OP *was* concerned with, I think.
