Need to maintiain session with requests from Flash movie

My application has a flash element in it which makes a couple of different requests which need to maintain the session. Since flash movies don't seem to send the session cookie, I've had to pass in Rails' session_id and append that to the querystring of the URLs Flash requests.

Problem is that works for the first type of request which is a GET. With the POST request (which uploads a file) Rails ignores the session_id I supply and I get a new session_id.

I don't know if the session_id should be passed in as post data rather than in the querystring for POST requests but due to a limitation in how Flash does these uploads, the querystring is the only way I can do it.

One solution would be to manually get Rails to use the right session_id when it finds that parameter in the URL but I don't know if that's possible.


Use the hack described at:

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

Many thanks Peter, that was just what I was looking for.
