Need the activerecord-sqlserver-adapter but...

Hi... I am new to RoR development, and Web development in general (but have about 25 years of IT/software experience - just not in the Web area)... I have a really good RoR 2.X book that I have read and reread a few times and starting to try to apply what I read... Have a Web app that I need to write at work, and prove to folks that RoR is THE_WAY, despite their ASP .NET protests otherwise...

So, we have a Microsoft environment and we are using MS SQL Server...

I need the activerecord-sqlserver-adapter file(s) but we don't have Internet connectivity in the development environment, so I can't use gems to download/install it the easy way... how do I go about finding it/downloading it/installing it... I have already downloaded and installed the other necessary ingredients (InstantRails 2.X, dbi and the ADO file)...

thanks TONs in advance for your assistance!!, southside_bruce

It really sucks. Download it and install it.

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