need flexible conditions hash with activerecord

Hi,     I am using find method of activerecord in my code. And I am specifying conditions through hash like below, conditions = {} conditions[:deactivated_on] = !nil (conditions[:deactivated_on] = nil - this works) @accounts = Account.paginate :page=>params [:page], :per_page=>20, :order=>"name", :conditions=>conditions

I want all accounts where deactivated_on != NULL. I could not make this work with conditions hash. Its working with normal conditions like ["deactivated_on is not null"]. But I am in need of use it with hash conditions because of existing code.

With conditions hash no more conditions are allowed except '=' as far I tried.

Ex: age = 18 - could be done with conditions hash age <18,age >18 (other than '=') - could not be done with conditions hash.

Can anyone have clear idea to explain me?

Thanks, Sadeesh.

actually u can make range conditions… like

:conditions=>{:created_at => 17.days.ago…}


:conditions=>{:some_attribute=>[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]} which will be translated to “in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)”

i’m not sure about the “is not null” part though