[n00b] How to CONFIGURE port other then 3000?

Look in to mongrel_cluster. Usually we use it for clustering mongrels in production (go figure) but you can use it to run multiple instances mapped to different ports automatically. An example config would be

oh, wait, I'm dumb. You said three different apps.

I would just write a little wrapper around script/server. Not that hard.


By "wrapper" I meant a little shell script

$ cat bin/run_server ruby script/server -p 3001

Now in your project when you run


it runs script/server on port 3001. Copy that file into each project you want and change the port to be whatever.

So, tell them to run bin/run_server instead of script/server? Not that hard. If they forget to, they'll know when mongrel tries to start up.

If you're super paranoid though, just move script/server to some other file, maybe script/rails_server, and save the wrapper file to script/server. Then when people run that they actually get your custom wrapper.


Yes, there is, and you already know about it. It's the -p option.

Here's what you're failing to understand. The web server is independent from the app itself. So, you're going to need to configure the web server, not the rails app. This means either passing in an extra option to the server, or creating a config file in mongrel's case.

You can change script/server to be #!/usr/bin/env ruby unless ARGV.include?("-p")   ARGV << "-p"   ARGV << "3001" end require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/boot' require 'commands/server'

which will start it up on port 3001 unless some other port is specified. If that's not good enough for you, sorry.

Also, I didn't know that trick until two minutes ago. I just saw that script/server requires commands/server. So I googled "rails commands server" and the first result was http://dev.rubyonrails.org/browser/trunk/railties/lib/commands/server.rb?rev=5103    Then I looked at http://dev.rubyonrails.org/browser/trunk/railties/lib/commands/servers/webrick.rb?rev=5103 to see exactly how it was getting the port...and modified script/server to do that. So this stuff is pretty easy to figure out if you spend a few minutes exploring.
