Hello, everyone. I am a new RoR user, and I'm in the process of getting my first application started. Development is being done on a WinXP station, with MySQL being hosted on a Linux server. I have verified that the Dev workstation can use the credentials listed in database.yml to log into the MySQL server via HeidiSQL. I am using WEBrick for my local HTTPD server. Installation was done based on the O'Reily/ OnLamp tutorial.
When I connect to "new" page for the application I get:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in PlanetsController#new
Mysql::Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query: SHOW FIELDS FROM planets
Checking the logs for the MySQL server shows no connection attempt to the MySQL server from the Dev workstation. I have searched the web and found several examples of this issue. I have already updated the libmysql.dll as I found in one suggestion. I have run "gem install mysql" and have "Successfully installed mysql-2.7.1-mswin32". I then ran a "gem update" to ensure my installation was completely current. However, none of that seems to have helped.
Can someone who has gotten this configuration running let me know what the "gotcha" is? I'd really like to get this working and get into building my app. Thanks very much.
Michel Vaillancourt wrote:
Hello, everyone. I am a new RoR user, and I'm in the process of getting my first application started. Development is being done on a WinXP station, with MySQL being hosted on a Linux server. I have verified that the Dev workstation can use the credentials listed in database.yml to log into the MySQL server via HeidiSQL. I am using WEBrick for my local HTTPD server. Installation was done based on the O'Reily/ OnLamp tutorial.
When I connect to "new" page for the application I get:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in PlanetsController#new
Mysql::Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query: SHOW FIELDS FROM planets
Checking the logs for the MySQL server shows no connection attempt to the MySQL server from the Dev workstation. I have searched the web and found several examples of this issue. I have already updated the libmysql.dll as I found in one suggestion. I have run "gem install mysql" and have "Successfully installed mysql-2.7.1-mswin32". I then ran a "gem update" to ensure my installation was completely current. However, none of that seems to have helped.
Can someone who has gotten this configuration running let me know what the "gotcha" is? I'd really like to get this working and get into building my app. Thanks very much.
Any suggestions, please?