I'm experiencing an intermittent appearance of "Mysql::Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query"
Read through many of the prior messages (most from mid 2006), and I don't see any that apply to my setup.
The usual blames I saw were change from MySQL 4.0 to 4.1 so password type mistmatch, old version of a mysql gem, tabs in database.yml. None of these apply.
Someone also previously suggested adding this to environment.rb:
ActiveRecord::Base.verification_timeout = 14400
I did that, but it made no difference.
As I say, intermittent. Several requests are just fine, then I get a Proxy Error message. go look in the production.log, and see the Mysql::Error entry. All requests are within a couple seconds of each other just bouncing around pages.
* fresh install of OS X 10.5.2 on box "app01" we'll call it.
* fresh install of OS X 10.5.2 on box "data01" we'll call it.
* using built-in MySQL on "data01" for now (5.0.45).
* installed a Rails app on "app01" with a frozen 1.2.3 in /vendor.
* database.yml defines the connection using "host:" with an IP address and a password.
* the database connection is actually going to MySQL Proxy on app01 which balances a master-master cluster. (MySQL)
* both machines are new intel Xserves, just now being set up so they're not busy at all.
Looking for new ideas...
-- gw